



聚焦 | 一起向未来,携手迎冬奥——告白冬奥英文三行情诗优秀作品展示

发布者:  时间:2022-03-01 20:18:58  浏览:



2019级7班 黄淑妍

Harmony and unity, one world one dream;

Summer and winter, one city two games;

Faster and stronger,together for a shared future.


2020级9班 段懿桐

Adore the Beijing zone presenting a splendid show.

Admire the winter banquet with ice and snow.

Appreciate the Olympics beings are keen to know.

2019级3班 张潇艺

When rain is in your black eyes, I’ll ease your mind.

When pain is all around, I’ll sailing right behind.

When you shine so bright, I just stand by your side.


2019级15班 杨涵

Gathering in this grand frozen world in winter cheerfully.

Soaring in the azure heaven as a robust eagle peacefully.

Dancing on the icy stage like a startled swan goose gracefully.

2019级5班 管晋升

In 2008, Chinese athletes had impressed the world with a golden summer.

In 2015, Chinese representatives have held the appeal with great power.

In 2022, Chinese people will greet the world with a merry winter.

2019级6班 张睿洋

Bearing the fervent anticipation of the whole global village,

Embodying the sportive ambitions of all the spirited athletes,

You are on the way, as expected--- the 2022 Winter Olympics.

  2019级5班 常博文

We admire this magnificent ice event,

for it comes with pure snow and dazzling light,

and dyes our dreams in winter white.

2019级1班 陈思

Snowflakes gather to be romantic,

Winter days gather to be spectacular,

The capital gathers to celebrate magnificence.

2019级6班 廖宇婷

Unforgettable here whirling snow and towering hills.

Athletes exert themselves to show the iron will in the field.

We will remember all the good things we feel and no longer sense the chill.

  2019级2班 刘一诺

Devotion in heart firing in the cold winter.

They glided through the snowstorm.

The colder the stronger.

2019级1班 翁璐璐

As Chinese teams win and score,

Along with the cheering from the all,

The People's Republic of China begins to roar!

2019级15班 伊力牙尔·阿不都哈米提

Frozen everyplace, snowing on the sky.

Athletes singing the spirit, chasing dream like flash.

Hot cool yours with glowing hearts.

2019级1班 马诗童

You are the fairy on the ice,

the zenithal treasure with unmeasured price,

dancing unparalleled as if in paradise.

2019级4班 童家伟

We expect this colorful planet to leave with one more color

A serendipity pink

Made up of a festival of red and a fiesta of white.

2019级8班 石琳

Meet you as a mantle of darkness lay on the winter

Fascinate me as a ball of orange flame danced and flickered

Gaze you as the desire of 141.3 billion people ripened into fruits of love.

2019级10班 徐楚涵

Only for those of a special breed,

Living a dream, a chance to succeed,

Yesterday's hopes and desires coming true.

